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CoDEMO 5.0 Innovation Days Italy

CoDEMO Innovation Event #1

CoDEMO 5.0 Innovation Days Italy

Date/Time: June 20-21, 2024
Location: Bergamo, Italy
We invite you at the innaugural CoDEMO Innovation Days Event that fosters the entrepreneurial mind-set of the local and regional participants interested in innovation initiatives.

Are you a Master or PhD student and would like to present your work? That's great! Get in touch with us at and you will get the chance to present your innovative project (online or on site) in front of 5.0 Industry expers in Bergamo on June 21st!


Day 1 - WP4 Discussion and Alignment

Internal meeting between project partners to discuss the progress of project activities. Focus on WP4.

Day 2 - Morning

Brainstorming session (learning cube and collaborative activities academia-industry)

Day 2 - Afternoon

Testimonials from Italian-based companies on key topics relating to Industry 5.0. Master and PhD students innovative project presentations (Resilience, Sustainability and Human-Centricity). Prize for most innovative project will be awarded by UNIBG.


Please register via the organizer.