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OMiLAB Team Meetup @Modellierung2024

Conference Sponsoring

OMiLAB Team Meetup @Modellierung2024

Date/Time: March 12-15, 2024
Location: Potsdam, Germany
OMiLAB NPO is supporting the Modellierung 2024 Conference as one of their Silver Sponsors ! We look forward to meeting the Modellierung community on-site in Potsdam this March.

The OMiLAB Team will be present with a showcase of the Digital Innovation Environment with experiments from the Community of Practice and use cases from each of the three pillars:
  • Co-Creation of Innovative Business Scenarios with Scene2Model
  • Model-based Interactions with a Robotic Arm with Bee-Up
  • mBot Scenarios for generating model-value

logoMoreover, representants from the CoDEMO 5.0 project will be on site to discuss updates and news on the topic 'decision-making'. A lack of trained personnel to support the transformation of European enterprises from 4.0 (focused on digitalization and technologies) to 5.0 (Green, Resilient, Human-centered) organizations has been widely reported. CoDEMO 5.0 - Co-Creative Decision Makers for 5.0 Organizations aims to fill this gap by developing a new training offer and certification in co-creation with institutional, academic, and socio-economic partners.

OMiLAB will also give a paper presentation on the topic Digital Transformation through Conceptual Modeling - The NEMO Summer School Use Case authored by Alexander Völz and Iulia Vaidian.

Modellierung 2024 Conference - Information

The modeling conference is the central scientific event of the cross-sectional modeling committee of the Society for Computer Science (QFAM). The modeling community has been meeting for more than twenty years and discussing modeling issues across the entire spectrum of computer science. These include fundamentals, methods, techniques, tools as well as domains and applications. The conference is characterized by current topics, extensive opportunities for personal exchanges of experiences, lively discussions and committed feedback from science and practice. The capital region of Berlin/Potsdam offers an inspiring environment for this event.

Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske (General Chair, PC Co-Chair) - HPI, Universität Potsdam,
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Judith Michael (PC Co-Chair) - Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University,

Project Acknowledgement This work has been supported by the CoDEMO 5.0 Project (funded within the Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-ALL-INNO) under project reference number 101104819). This content presented expresses the opinions of the presenters and not necessarily those of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this work.


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Further Information

  • Modellierung 2024 Program Overview
  • A Digital Innovation Environment powered by Open Models Laboratory Download
  • OMiLAB Network of Nodes See Map
  • OMiLAB Community of Practice Join