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The Industrial Transition towards Smart Product-Service-Systems: Enterprise Modelling to Support Value Creation Processes @NEMO2024

Summer School

The Industrial Transition towards Smart Product-Service-Systems: Enterprise Modelling to Support Value Creation Processes @NEMO2024

Organizer: OMiLAB NPO
Date/Time: July 19, 2024; 09:00 - 10:00 CEST
Location: Vienna, Austria

The Industrial Transition towards Smart Product-Service-Systems: Enterprise Modelling to Support Value Creation Processes

The current industrial transition towards Factories of the Future (FoF) implies strong transformation of enterprise Business Models within the manufacturing sector. Product Service Systems are a key component of this transition, and contribute to renovate both the underlying enterprise models and the needs of enterprise engineering tools. The objective of the lecture is to articulate the overall needs of transition towards FoF with the requirements for innovative conceptual modelling approaches and new enterprise engineering methods and tools. The lecture will first give a synthetic insight on PSS within the context of FoF, to make possible for the audience to understand the key concepts of PSS and key industrial needs for developing innovative enterprise modelling and engineering solutions. The second part of the lecture articulate two dimensions of Enterprise engineering: an advanced modelling method dedicated to support PSS design and engineering (based on a PSS-oriented meta-model) and a decision-making approach for PSS economic-model balancing.


Xavier Boucher is Professor in Industrial Management at the Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne (France). He is Research Director at FAYOL Institute, a research Center focusing on Sustainable Industrial performance and Organisations. His current research focuses on Product Service Systems (PSS), Service oriented production systems, collaborative-agile networks and decision models to manage the supply chain agility. Prof. X. Boucher is currently leading several collaborative research projects in the field of design and management of PSS with an economic and manufacturing point of view.

Become a Digital Leader!

The 10th Edition of the NEMO Summer School will take place at the University of Vienna between July 15th and 26th, 2024, from 09:00 to 17:30 CEST and explores the Digital Innovation Environment ( of OMiLAB. Learn Conceptual Modelling to innovate, design, and engineer digital ecosystems!
More information about the program at: NEMO2024 Program Overview


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