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Service Engineering Models for the Design and Development of Digitalised Product-Service Systems @NEMO2024

Summer School

Service Engineering Models for the Design and Development of Digitalised Product-Service Systems @NEMO2024

Organizer: OMiLAB NPO
Date/Time: July 19, 2024; 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
Location: Vienna, Austria

Service Engineering Models for the Design and Development of Digitalised Product-Service Systems

Despite their recent introduction and consolidation in the industrial practice, Product Service System business models are subjected to a further revision in order to fully exploit the opportunities and challenges provided by the Industry 4.0 technological paradigm. Companies need to identify and define new business models integrating PSS with digital technologies and, as a result, revise their decision-making processes. The design and development of a Product–Service System (PSS) raises new issues since the service component introduces further requirements than traditional product engineering. Compared to traditional and smart products, services are generally under-designed and inefficiently developed. Approaches such as New Service Development, Service Design and Service Engineering have emerged during the last decades to support the design and development of service either as a system itself or as a constituting element of a PSS. In particular, Service Engineering investigates service design and development with a systematic perspective and with a seamless integration of product and service contents. Purpose of the lecture is to provide a holistic conceptualisation and an up-to-date analysis of the current state of the art on the evolution of the concept of Product Service system and Service Engineering models with a specific focus on their adoption in the PSS context. A critical analysis is also performed with the aim to define a research agenda and the most prominent key actions that could give directions for future research.


Giuditta Pezzotta is Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering and Vice Chancellor for Quality Assurance at University of Bergamo. She received her PhD degree in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2010. During her PhD studies, she was a visiting PhD student at DIAL - Institute for Manufacturing - University of Cambridge in UK. Her PhD was in the Service Engineering and Product Service System fields. She has also been visiting researcher at the University of Botswana, Tokyo Metropolitan University and Blekinge Institute of Technology. She carries out her research activities interested in the design, engineering and management of product-service systems and in modeling and simulation of production and service delivery processes. Through her work at the University of Bergamo she has been involved and has coordinated several industrial and research projects related to the ProductService field. She is author of more than 100 refereed international and national journal and conference papers. Since 2019, she is co-coordinator of the Special Interest Group (SIG) in Service Systems Design, Engineering and Management of IFIP. She is part of the Scientific committee of “Centro interuniversitario di ricerca sull’innovazione e la gestione dei servizi nelle imprese industriali”(

Become a Digital Leader!

The 10th Edition of the NEMO Summer School will take place at the University of Vienna between July 15th and 26th, 2024, from 09:00 to 17:30 CEST and explores the Digital Innovation Environment ( of OMiLAB. Learn Conceptual Modelling to innovate, design, and engineer digital ecosystems!
More information about the program at: NEMO2024 Program Overview


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