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Home OMiLAB Nodes OMILAB@Mines Saint-Etienne

OMILAB@Mines Saint-Etienne

"Our focus is on Industrial Business Model Transformation"

Hosted and Powered by Mines Saint-Etienne research centers, the French OMILAB Node is a collaborative platform for industrial and academics to develop together education material, proofs of concepts, and applied for research advances on digitalization and servitization for the industry of the future.

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About the OMILAB Node

Hosted and Powered by Mines Saint-Etienne research centers, the French OMILAB Node is a collaborative platform for industrial and academics to develop together education material, proofs of concepts, and applied for research advances on digitalization and servitization for the industry of the future. While offering a strong background of expertise on Industry of the Future and Enterprise Modelling and Engineering methods, Mines Saint-Etienne has developed (i) specific Modelling methods to support the design of smart PSS as well as (ii) a set of educational tools and offers for industrial vocational training in the field of industry of the Future. Mines Saint-Etienne provides strong expertise and support to industrial in the field of industrial Business Model changes, to integrate the key added-value of the industry of the Future.


  • Enterprise Modelling and Engineering
  • Smart PSS Design and Engineering
  • Industrial Business Model Transformation

About the Hosting Organisation

Established in 1816, and part of the French « Grandes Ecoles » system the Ecole des Mines (EMSE) ensures 3 key missions: education, research, and dedication to economic development. Education is based on a well-balanced blend of scientific core subjects, engineering techniques, and economic and human sciences taught by professors closely related to the economic world. The graduates from EMSE have been at the forefront of technological progress in the whole industry, in France and abroad. EMSE has opened its horizons to international partnerships with 35 countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America. Today, École des Mines has more than 80 academic partners worldwide, 19 double-diploma agreements as part of its Executive Engineering degree program, and research partnerships with the world’s top universities.
  • 2 campuses: Saint-Étienne near Lyon and Gardanne near Marseille
  • 480 graduate students in 3 classes of the School’s signature diploma (Master degree of Science and Engineering)
  • 1,120 graduate students in 4 classes of the School’s specialized engineering diplomas
  • 180 doctoral students (40% from abroad)
  • Students from more than 20 countries
  • 300 scientific staff members

Through several national and international projects, EMSE is currently developing strong research expertise and strategy on Factory of the Future and develops integrated methodologies, modelling environment and decision-making supports for industry 4.0 in general and the transition towards PSS and industrial digitalization in particular.

Have a virtual look at the OMiLAB!

Get an overview what this OMiLAB has accomplised! Selected results are presented below as a contribution to the global community:

PS3M Modeller

Result: PS3M Modeller


Result: sPS2Modeller

All further results of the OMiLAB Node are available at the portal provided and maintained by the organizer.

The following, selected activities are organized by the OMiLAB.

IT’mFactory is a platform dedicated to Industry of the Future, opening opportunities for Vocational Training, master training, and Research collaboration for industrial and socio-economic actors.

DigiFoF EU Project
The DIGIFOF project proposes a network of training environments where HEIs, enterprises and training institutions come together to develop skill profiles, training concepts as well as materials for design aspects of the Factory of the Future (FoF).

NEMO Summer School
The NEMO Summer School Series focuses on addressing these challenges through modelling, both in theory and practice. How to define modeling with the ‘right’ level of abstraction and how to engineer suitable modeling tools is at the heart of the summer school. Teacher. Boucher regularly gives teaching at NEMO summershool, notably in the field of manufacturing systems and Smart Product Service Systems.

Academic teaching using OMILAB are delivered in several Master curriculae at Mines Saint-Etienne, linked to industrial engineering and management or industry of the future. The following topics are covered:
  • - Process Modeling and Simulation
  • - Business Process Management
  • - Design of Product Service Systems
  • - Metamodeling methodologies

For any information, please contact the team.

For industrial decision-makers, Innovation Session and Vocational Training Modules are available in the following fields: Transition towards Service Strategies, Transformation of Business Models, Design Thinking Sessions, Business Process Management. For any information, please contact the team.

The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node:

Dobot Magician

The Dobot Magician demonstrates sorting and collaborative scenarios.

Makeblock mBot

This CPS is applied for smart mobility application scenarios.

Design Thinking Image capture

To support design thinking collaborative and interactive sessions.

Smart PSS design methodologies

To provide design tools for smart PSS design and engineering processes.