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Home OMiLAB Nodes OMILAB@Bialystok University of Technology

OMILAB@Bialystok University of Technology

"Our focus is on Process Management"

The OMiLAB node at the Bialystok University of Technology is in the field of process management. It is hosted and powered by International Chair of Logistics and Service Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Management. The laboratory was established thanks to the cooperation with the Innovation and Development Promotion Centre (IDPC) the coordinator of Metal Processing Cluster (MPC).

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About the OMILAB Node

The aim of our node is to enhance the competence of our team, students, researchers, and practitioners from business and business-related organisations in the field of process-oriented management.

Our activities are focused on developing the skills of students and enterprise employees in managing and improving business processes. Conducted research also focuses on business models, process modelling and simulation and robotic process automation. In addition, our team is involved in research and projects in artificial intelligence, data analysis and visualisation.

The OMiLAB node at the Bialystok University of Technology is in the field of process management. It is hosted and powered by International Chair of Logistics and Service Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Management. The laboratory was established thanks to the cooperation with the Innovation and Development Promotion Centre (IDPC) the coordinator of Metal Processing Cluster (MPC).


  • Process management
  • business models
  • process modelling and simulation
  • robotic process automation
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Artificial Intelligence (artificial neural networks)
  • data analysis and visualisation

About the Hosting Organisation

Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) ( established in 1949 as a Private Evening Engineering College and acquired its university status in 1974. At present there are nearly 12 thousand students studying at BUT in its 6 faculties. We cooperate with 37 academic centres across the world within the framework of bilateral scientific agreements. BUT offers 30 first degree courses, 20 second degree courses, 8 rights to confer PhD degrees, 5 rights to confer post-doctoral degrees. BUT staff have been taking part in both national and international scientific research and didactic programmes, including Erasmus+ Programme. BUT cooperates in the scope of over 500 bilateral agreements in scientific and educational cooperation with foreign partners, 20 double-degree agreements.

Considering the number of students, the Faculty of Engineering Management (FEM) is currently the second largest faculty at Bialystok University of Technology with over 1600 students. So far, more than 15,000 graduates have completed studies at the FEM. BUT-FEM is participating within the computer labs with a relevant software for process modelling and simulation. The team is skilled in process analysis and designing. Moreover, BUT-FEM conducts students’ competence certification programme in the field of process management.

Have a virtual look at the OMiLAB!

Get an overview what this OMiLAB has accomplised! Selected results are presented below as a contribution to the global community:

Robotic Process Automation

Result: Robotic Process Automation

All further results of the OMiLAB Node are available at the portal provided and maintained by the organizer.

The following, selected activities are organized by the OMiLAB.

The FoF Designer - Digital Design Skills for Factories of the Future
Partners in the EU DigiFoF Project, that aims to create an organizational structure to foster knowledge transfer between industry and academia, aiming to provide educational and experimental OMiLAB4FoF laboratories, where FoF-aspects can be taught practically or experimented with.

NEMO Day - April 2021
Presentation of current research and implementation results for process identification, modelling and simulation as tools to support planning and managing of autonomous car fleet operations.

The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node:

Dobot Magician

The Dobot Magican demonstrates sorting and collaborative scenarios.

Makeblock mBot

This CPS is applied for smart mobility application scenarios.

Scene2Model Tool

It enables the digitalization of haptic Design Thinking figures and objects.

Bee-Up Tool

It is an educational tool for hands-on learning of conceptual modelling, incorporating several modelling languages (BPMN, EPC, ER, UML, PN)


Business Process Management tool

ADOxx Metamodelling platform

ADOxx is the meta-modelling development and configuration platform for implementing modelling methods.